
The constituents of essential oils obtained from mesocarps, seeds and leaves of L. obtusiloba Blume grown in Nose-cho (Osaka prefecture) and P. trilobum (Sieb. et Zucc.) Nakai grown in Shiga-cho (Shiga prefecture), were investigated by chromato-graphical and spectral methods. The major oil components in L. obtusiloba Blume were: Mesocarp oil: α-humulene (21.45%), myrcene (20.60%), humulol (6.03%) and bornyl acetate (5.06%). Seed oil: 5-dodecanolide (15.29%), lauric acid (8.74%), bornyl acetate (5.01%)and cis-4-dode-cenoic acid (4.07%). Leaf oil: caryophyllene (7.37%), elemol (5.06%) and unidentified sesquiterpene oxidated compound (7.96%). The major oil components in P. trilobum (Sieb. et Zucc.) Nakai were: Mesocarp oil: trans-β-ocimene (34.88%), limonene (17.96%) and caryophyllene (16.76%). Seed oil: decanoic acid (23.08%), ethyl decanoate (17.06%) and 2-undecanone (5.18%). Leaf oil: delovanone (23.47%), o-cresol (8.24%) and 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one (6.83%).

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