
Users of cellular phones and Internet increase with rapid development of information and communication technology, and lifestyles of people have been changing greatly. The policies that utilize information and communication technology have proceeded in the field of road traffic systems. The introduction of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) made shift to policies of software side such as information provision of route guidance from policies of hardware side such as construction and improvement of roads under the severe finance situations in Japan. We think that the relationship between ITS and people will be more deepened in the near future.Internet and cellular phones have become popular in people life, and various types of road traffic information have been provided by them. Drivers' demand for traffic information has been diversified by the development of information technology. It is necessary for us to construct the information provision service system that can meet the needs of users. However, when drivers receive the travel time information, all drivers do not necessarily behave according to the information. We think that drivers decide the planned route by their subjective judgments on travel time. In addition, it is pointed out that the provision of traffic information does not necessarily improve the efficiency of traffic states. Therefore, we have to grasp the mutual relationship between the reaction of drivers who receive travel time information and the change of network performance.In this study, by using the traffic assignment simulation in a simple road network, we analyze the variation of road traffic condition and the process in which users' travel time perception distribution is formed when drivers repeat travel behavior over a given period with and without the provision of route travel time information under the day-to-day travel demand variation.As a result, it was found that the parameters of drivers' route travel time perception distributions are converged to constant values, and that the standard deviations of route travel time perception distributions in the case of information provision are smaller than those in the case without information provision.JEL classification : R15, R41

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