
浒坑钨矿床是位于江西省中部武功山成矿带的大型石英脉型黑钨矿床,分布于青万龙山复式岩体的南部边缘,侵位于震旦系老虎塘组地层中,出露面积约14 km2。与赣南典型的“五层楼”模式不同,矿脉主要集中在岩体内接触带。含矿石英脉除了普通的块状构造以外,还普遍存在条带状构造。详细的野外编录和镜下研究表明条带状石英脉实为韧性剪切带,以出现透入性的新生面理和线理为特征。岩石学研究表明条带状矿石属于石英质糜棱岩,具有丰富的塑性变形显微构造特征。通过分析矿区矿脉产状、形态、规模及其与构造、岩体的关系,总结出矿脉赋存规律,论证了深部矿脉随内接触带的南倾而向南平移,呈现出东疏西密、南繁北简的特征,指明了深部探矿的重点应在西南部。 Hukeng tungsten deposit is the large black tungsten quartz-vein-type deposit, which is located in Wugong mountain mineralization belt in the central part of Jiangxi province, distributed in the southern edge of Qing Wan Longshan Massif and penetrated in the sinian Tiger Tong group formation. The exposed area is 14 km2. Different from the typical “five stories” mode, the deposite veins were concentrated in contact with rock. Besides general block structure, there is also common banded structure in the Ore-bearing quartz veins. Detailed field catalogs and microscopic studies have shown that banded quartz vein is the ductile shear zone, characterized by the newborn penetrative foliation and lines. Petrological studies indicate that banded ore belongs to quartz mylonite and its microstructure characteristic is the rich plastic deformation. By analyzing the mine vein occurrence, shape, size and its relationship to construct and rock, the vein occurrence is summed up, and it also demonstrates that the deep veins of contacts lean to south and southern translation, characterized by fewer in eastern and northern ,more in western and southern, which indicates the emphasis on prospecting should be in the deep Southwest.

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