
In Palestine, the so-called “Tree of Life” motif had been represented repeatedly on Late Bronze Age potteries and cylinder seals. The style on the latters reflects almost Mitannian common style. In this connection, the author defined characteristics to the Mitannian glyptic or ornamental representation as following: 1) Union Jack pattern, 2) lattice pattern and 3) maximum use of drilling in the Tree of Life and animals of peculiar style, according to Speiser and Buchanan.Tracing the cylinder seals under such conditions unearthed in Palestine back to archaeological context, it was attested that they were distributed to or around some of the public or sacred Late Bronze Age constructions in the cities along the main or sub-international trade route. Most of these cities accord those which have been referred in the Amarna letters as politically or strategically important points. Active economic give-and-takes among the big powers in the Amarna Age Orient may have given them direct contacts to the Mitannian art through caravans via northern Syria and small groups of northern people settled in the cities.

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