
The purpose of this study is to verify the following hypotheses:(1) Authoritarianism is significantly related to political attitudes.(2) Authoritarianism is significantly related tooccupational attitudes.A questionnaire composed of 1) an authoritarianism scale with the F-scale modified slightly, 2) the question concerning what political parties to support, and 3) the occupational prestige scale, was administered to all subjects, 207 male and 53 female freshmen at the Education Faculty and the Technical Faculty, Kumamoto University, toward the end of June, 1960. The results of this research have re vealed the following conclusions.1. The first hypothesis was confirmed since, though it was extremely surprising that more than half of the subjects responded to the item no political parties to support, in the bottom group (L.G.) more supported the Socialists significantly than in the top group (H.G.). The L.G. was made up of about the bottom one quarter and the H.G. of the top one quarter of all subjects in the distribution on the authoritarianism scale. And in the H.G. significantly more supported the conservative parties than in the L.G. and in the latter significantly more supported the progressive ones than in the former.2. Whereas the second hypothesis was only partially verified because it was found that, merely in male students, the H. G. scored significantly higher in the prestige evaluation for 16 professional and administrative occupations, e.g., businessman and lawyer, and lower for 15 semi- and unskilled occupation, e.g., farmer and laborer, than the L.G. But the results of female students were in exactly the opposite direction, that is, the L.G. scored significantly higher for the professional and administrative occupations and lower, though not fully significant in a statistical sense, for the semi- and unskilled ones than the H.G. This strange fact may be because the female subjects of this study were, in comparison with the male, more strongly inclined to have the xenophilic attitudes rather than to have the authoritarian attitudes. Such a prediction must, needless to say, be verified by a further experimental study.The facts indicated above may anyhow lead us to the conclusion that the results of this experiment support a theory of the interrelations between personality structures and social attitudes.

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