
Inheritance of astringency in Japanese persimmon (Dyospiros kaki Thunb.) was investigated using data collected over 30 years in Okitsu Horticultural Research Station.PCNA (pollination constant non-astringent) and non-PCNA were qualitatively inherited. The former was recessive to the latter. Backcrosses between PCNA and the progeny (PCA) derived from the cross of PCNA×non-PCNA yielded PCNA of approximately 15 percent.Inheritance of astringency in non-PCNA seemed to be quantitative. Few PVNA (pollination variant non-astringent) progenies occured from crosses among PCA (pollination constant astringent) cultivars. Many PCA progenies occured from crosses among PVNA cultivars.In crosses between PCNA and PCA, more PVNA or PVA (pollination variant astringent) progenies were obtained between ‘Fuyu(PCNA)’ and PCA cultivars, compared to crosses between other PCNA cultivars and PCA cultivars.

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