
目的:探究《男性角色规范量表-修订版》(Male Role Norms Inventory-Revised)中文版量表在大学生群体中施测的信效度及其适用性。方法:选取两个大学生样本(n1 = 655, n2 = 271)完成经过翻译和初步调整后的50个项目的男性角色规范量表。选取样本2的大学生完成大学生性别角色量表以检验效标关联效度,4周后从中随机选取97人重测。结果:修订后的量表共35个项目,包括冷酷强硬、害怕和憎恶同性恋、支配/统治、性态度、拒绝女性化、极度自力更生6个维度。验证性因素分析表明6因素模型拟合良好(χ2/df = 2.17, CFI = 0.81, PCFI = 0.744, NFI = 0.70, RMSEA = 0.07)。总量表的内部一致性系数为0.86;4周后的重测信度为0.90。结论:修订后的《男性角色规范量表-修订版》(MRNI-R35)中文版在大学生样本中具有较好的信效度。 Objective: By analyzing the validity and reliability of the Male Role Norms Inventory-Revised in Chinese college students to provide a reliable and effective measure for the study of masculinity. Methods: Two samples of college students (n1 = 655; n2 = 271) were selected to finish the MRNI-R which translated into Chinese and deleted Questions 5, 6, 9 according to the findings and the experts’ suggestions. The students of the Sample Two were additionally asked to complete the Chinese Sex Role Inventory (CSRI-50). Totally 97 of the 271 students were chosen to complete MRNI-R35 after 4 weeks to test the retest reliability. Results: The revised questionnaire was made up by 35 items, included six factors which were Toughness, Fear and Hatred of Homosexuality, Dominance, Attitudes toward Sexuality, Avoidance of Femininity and Extreme Self-Reliance. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis suggested that the 6-factor model was well fitted (χ2/df = 2.17, CFI = 0.81, PCFI = 0.744, NFI = 0.70, RMSEA = 0.07). The Cronbach α coefficient of the total questionnaire was 0.86, and the repeatability of the six factors was 0.65~0.88. Conclusion: The reversion of the Chinese version of MRNI-R35 has good reliability and validity in the sample of college students.

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