
This study was designed to evaluate the effectiveness of the suppression of severe tinnitus by the alternating polarity electrical promontory stimulation (EPS) method. The three types of stimulation used in this study were electrical burst (duration 0.5 sec., 1 Hz) of 1) biphasic pulsed AC, 2) pulsed anodal DC and 3) pulsed cathodal DC. In 27 subjects (42 ears), tinnitus was suppressed after EPS in 25 ears (60%), and the effect lasted for more than two days in 12 ears (29%). When anodal DC was applied, some patients complained of severe earache during EPS, but tinnitus suppression after EPS was more frequent and longlasting. We conclude that in spite of rather severe earache occasionally, pulsed anodal DC EPS is more effective than biphasic pulsed AC or pulsed cathodal DC EPS in cases of severe tinnitus.

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