
雷达探测技术利用高频电磁波在不同介质中传播和反射性质的差异,获取地下探测对象的地质剖面,具有快速、连续、无损和高分辨率等优势。自20世纪70年代以来,已在月球科学探测研究中获得了丰硕的成果,涉及领域如月球地形地貌测绘、月壤厚度探测、月球次表层结构探测和月球水冰探测等。2014年,中国嫦娥三号探测器携带的测月雷达圆满完成月球巡视探测,标志着中国在测月雷达设备研制、数据采集、软件设计和数据处理解释等方面取得了令人瞩目的成就。本文针对国际上测月雷达方法技术研究、雷达仪器设备研制、测月雷达数据处理方法以及雷达探测技术探月研究成果进行综述,并对应用雷达探测技术进行外星体探测的未来前景进行展望。 Using electromagnetic waves that possess different propagation characteristics in different materials, Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is an efficient and non-invasive technique for probing terrestrial and planetary subsurfaces. Since the 1970s, GPR has been applied to lunar exploration programs, including the mapping of lunar regolith and the detection of subsurface geologic structures and water ice. Along with the application, Chinese Chang’E-3 lunar penetrating radar (LPR) onboard Yutu lunar rover stands out as one of the notable achievements. As the first situ lunar radar detector, Chang’E-3 LPR demonstrated that GPR can be used to determine subsurface stratigraphy on the Moon. This paper provides a review of the study on LPR equipment and data processing method as well as the results of the application of GPR technology in lunar exploration. Furthermore, as shown in the last part, GPR also applies to surveys of other planets, such as Mars. However, human are still faced with several problems in this field. For example, it is of much difficulty to carry out research on the far side of the moon with situ detectors.

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