
We developed a simple, reliable and sensitive method for the identification of the class and type of amylase-linked immunoglobulin in patients with macromylasemia. This method is based on the principles of immunoprecipitin reaction in free liquid media, thereby the class and type of amylase-linked immunoglobulin were easily identified from amylase activity in the immunoprecipitate.Each specific antiserum and serum specimen were mixed at an optimum ratio. Free amylase admixed in the immunoprecipitate thus formed was completely removed by repeated washings with veronal buffer. To the washed immunoprecipitate a color reagent (suspension of Bluestarch polymer) was added directly. After incubation, absorbance of the supernatant was measured at 620nm to obtain the activity of amylase in the immunoprecipitate.Of the 12 cases with macroamylasemia studied, only two cases permitted identification of both the H- and L-chain of amylase-linked immunoglobulin by an enzyme-immunoelectrophoresis technic, whereas, according to this method, both chains were identified in all of the cases.

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