
Menkes disease is characterized by inhibition of the absorption and transport of dietary copper. The Okayama University Medical and Dental School uses L-histidine-copper to treat this disease and in the present study, we examined the stability of the copper histidinate injection solution used for this purpose. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) performed on day 56 following injection revealed that histidine levels had dropped to 90.4%, a non-significant decrease and histamine levels were unchanged. Moreover, atomic absorption spectrophotometry revealed that copper concentrations were not significantly decreased (89.7%) between days 0 and 56. Through visual observation, we noted a gradual increase in floats from day 42 to day 56, leading us to suggest that the use of copper histidinate be limited to 1 month.The above results should alleviate any concern about histamine-associated adverse effects.

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