
Apache Energy Ltd. (Apache) is a subsidiary of Apache Corporation that is an independent oil and gas exploration and production company based in the United States.Apache first began to explore for oil and gas in the Carnarvon Basin in Australia in 1991. At this time, Apache had only few permits and minor equity in these permits. Today it holds interests in over fifty permits in this basin, many of which are operated interests with high equity levels including a number of production and development.Apache's increased activity started with the acquisition of Hadson Energy's NWS portfolio in 1993 which included interests in key production and exploration permits and infrastructure facilities. These facilities have been used as a production hub with further assets being acquired by Apache over time around the facilities in conjunction with an aggressive exploration program (including farm-ins) undertaken in these and other nearby permits. Apache's permit acquisition method can be divided to four phases over the period 1993 to 2000.Each acquisition phase has targeted particular exploration play types and these play types have been changing phase by phase as more information about the region is acquired and as exploration in the Basin matures. These changing play type targets are also reflected in the pattern of Apache's permit acquisitions, which is based on an exploration strategy following of the geoscientists Hadson Energy models created prior to 1993.This report summarizes the strategic development of Apache operations in the Carnarvon Basin, through matching the strategy for permit acquisition and exploration activity to exploration play type models.

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