
随着全球气候变迁的影响日益显著,不论台湾还是中国,在水资源管理上,从政策到制度都有许多不足之处,因此,使得原本就处于极易出现干旱灾害的环境,更加的不稳定。水资源不足已是大家公认的事实,在降雨开源不可期待的情况下,只有从储水与废水再生等途径寻求新的供应源。自迈入21世纪以后,人口迁徙已成常态,都市化成为趋势,水资源的消耗更是大增,废水的产量也有增无减。所以,采用生态工法,实现就地取材,减少碳足迹,同时增加生物栖息的空间,依此建构人工湿地土地处理系统,在低成本、环境冲击小的考虑下,完成污水再生,并将再生水用于浇灌、地下水补注及冲厕杂用等,如能因应地区特性与需要,把生态旅游与环境教育纳入规划,则水资源可持续利用的意义将更加完备。 Water Resources Management has assumed greater significance in Taiwan and China as a result of the impact of global climate change. However, from policies to actual operation models and systems, several problems are identifiable. Hence, under current water resources management interventions, it has been difficult to deal with drought disasters. It is a generally accepted fact that water storage and wastewater regeneration are the only ways of seeking new sources of supply when there is a water shortage, and water shortage has become an even more pressing concern because of urbanization. In the 21st century urbanization has still shown no signs of slowing down and further population migration to cities or the rampant development of a city-style life has led to an even greater consumption of water resources and an elevated increase in the output of waste water. It is within this context of a high water shortage that ecological engineering methods become very important. Ecological engineering allows for the realization of local resources, reduces carbon footprints, and increases habitat space. Using ecological engineering, an artificial wetland treatment system can be built that allows for waste water regeneration and the use of reclaimed water while decrease the environmental impact and cost. If ecological engineering programs also take into account regional characteristics and needs and if ecological tourism and environmental education are also included in the overall plan, sustainable utilization of water resources will be greatly enhanced.

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