
In Tang Dynasty, scholars were good at writing court verdicts, Yuan Zhen was one of the best. Compared with the five court verdicts during the the imperial examination in the 19th year of Zhengyuan period of Dezong, we found that Bai Juyi was considered the best, which revealed that the official still respected the classics, and even the exploration of justice should not contradict the classics. However, there were obvious contradictions between the standpoint in Yuan Zhen''s court verdicts and his usual writing, which made his court verdicts have a strong academic atmosphere. The style of court verdict gradually changed from the emphasis on stacking stories and gorgeous words in the early Tang Dynasty to the emphasis on reasoning and fluency in writing after the middle Tang Dynasty, Yuan Zhen''s work wasin this turning period, which also explains why the later evaluation of Yuan and Bai tending to praise the former one and depreciate the latter one.

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