
对1025 t/h循环流化床锅炉燃烧耦合100 t/h褐煤热解工艺进行经济评价。计算结果为:静态投资回收期3.9年,低于煤炭行业基准投资回收期;投资利润率29.4%,大于煤炭行业平均投资收益率;基准折现率取12%时,对1025 t/h循环流化床锅炉燃烧耦合处理量100 t/h褐煤热解联产系统的净现值约为5.2亿元。以上数据说明循环流化床燃烧耦合热解工艺技术有较强的市场竞争力。 The economic evaluation was undertaken for a lignite-fired 1025 t/h circulated fluidized bed (CFB) combus- tion coupled with 100 t/h lignite pyrolysis process. The results indicated that the static time period for recovery of in- vestment was 3.9 years less than the criterion time period for recovery of investment for the coal industry; the profit rate of investment was 29.4% more than the average investment rate of return of coal industry; the net present value of 1025 t/h CFB coupled with 100 t/h lignite pyrolysis process was about 0.52 billion yuan when the criterion discount rate was 12%. The results showed that the CFB combustion coupled with coal pyrolysis technology was competitive in market.

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