
通过水面浮床栽培试验,研究了水芹菜(Oenanthejavanica (Blume) DC)的自然越冬存活率、生物量以及在富营养化水体中对氮、磷的吸收。研究表明,浮床栽培的水芹菜在武汉地区可以自然越冬,存活率为76%,植株的平均鲜量为108.22 g/株,其中水上部分占80.2%,水下部分占19.8%。在元月至4月生长期内,每平方米水面栽培的水芹菜可从水中直接吸收52.23 g的氮和11.51 g的磷。结果表明,水芹是一种适合在低温情况下进行水培的植物,并对富营养化水体有良好的净化效果。 By planting cress (Oenanthejavanica (Blume) DC) with the floating bed on water surface, survey was carried out on its overwintering livability, biomass and capability to absorb nitrogen and phosphorus in the eutrophicated water body. Research showed that the cress was able to live through the winter in Wuhan area with survey rate of about 76%. The individual biomass was as high as 108.22 g/ind., with upper water surface part of 80.2% and under water of 19.8%. From January to April, cress planted on water surface per square could absorb 52.23 g nitrogen and 11.51 g phosphorus. Results suggested that cress is a cold-resistant plant which can be planted on the floating bed. It has a high potential for clearing the eutrophicated water.

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