
1. Each frequency of the resistant strains to PC or SA of Staphylococcus aureus collected in 1961-1963 was 90 to 100 per cent, that to SM or TC was about 60 per cent; both of the rates were not yearly increased. That to CP or EM was below 50 per cent, was increased considerably year after year.2. Each frequency of the resistant strains to PC, TC, CP or SM of α or β Streptococcus collected in 1961-1963 was low.3. With regard to E. coli the resistant strains to SM, TC or CP were augmented obviously for the same three years; with respect to Klebsiella each rate of the resistant strains which was higher than that of E. coli was not increased.4. With respect to E. coli or Klebsiella four-drugs-resistant strains were found most frequently, and one-drug-resistant strains followed, and two-and three-drugs-resistant strains were fewest. Regarding Pseudomonas aeruginosa or Proteus, four-drugs-resistant strains were found most frequently, and followed by threedrugs-resistant strains, two-and one-drugs-resistant strains followed in order.5. Antibiotics resistant strains of Bac. tuberculosis investigated in 1956-1963 were augmented to SM or PAS after 1959 or 1961 respectively, but that to INH was increased gradually year after year.6. E. coli isolated from the urine investigated in 1957-1963 were not increased yearly, and another Enterobacteriaceae and Pseudomonas auruginosa isolated were augmented.7. Staphylococcus and Enterobacteriaceae isolated from pus were increased yearly, whereas Streptococcus were not increased and the detection rate was low.8. Enterobacteriaceae especially Staphylococcus isolated from throat swab were augmented yearly.9. Of bacteria from bile oral type were more frequent than fecal type.

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