
市场上专用于高品质过滤毡的定型机很少,关键技术和设备不够成熟。本文对比传统的热处理方式,研发了一种新型热处理技术,并设计了热定型装置。对比实践结果表明,此热定型技术大大提高了针刺过滤毡的过滤精度、耐洗涤强度和产品合格率。 There are few stereotypes for high-quality filter felt in the market because the key technology and equipment are not mature enough. This paper compared the traditional way of heat treatment, developed a new type of the heat treatment technology and designed a new kind of the heat setting device. Compared to the traditional one, the results show that this heat-setting technology has greatly improved the filtering accuracy, washing-resistant strength and product qualification rate of needle punched filter felt.

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