
With the addition of ethanol to wax gourd extract and by acetic fermentation, 5.0% acidity vinegar was produced. After putting 10% extract(10% concentration) of Chrysanthemum zawadskii in this, and by dissolving shell, Chrysanthemum zawadskii-pearl vinegar was produced. When a 1% of ark shell, oyster shell, or ear shell was added to wax gourd vinegar, 95.6~98.4% of the shell dissolved, and when a 2% content of shell was added, 97.2~98.4% was dissolved. The acidity of vinegar which dissolved 1% shell was pH 3.0~3.17, and the acidity of vinegar which dissolved 2% shell was pH 1.11~ 1.20. The pH values of vinegar which dissolved 1%, and 2% shell contents were 4.54~4.55, and 4.86~4.95, respectively. When 1% shell was dissolved, the acidity was higher than that of commercial vinegar, with a high pH value and low level of free acid. This shows that when Chrysanthemum zawadskii 1% is added during acetic acid fermentation, the inhibition was 44.4%, and 22.2% respectively. In this regard, Chrysanthemum zawadskii should be added after the fermentation of acetic acid. The calcium content of 1% shell vinegar is 0.4%, and that of 2% vinegar is 0.78%. Non-heated native wax gourd shows an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition rate of 21.7%, an antioxidant activity of 5.23%, and a tyrosinase inhibition rate of 5.5%. In the case of heated-extracted wax gourd, the angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition rate was 16.1%, superoxide dismutase activity was 20.5%, antioxidant activity was 23.2%, and the tyrosinase inhibition rate was 7.1%. Also, in the case of Chrysanthemum zawadskii, the angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition rate was 28.8%, the xanthine oxidase inhibition rate was 28.2%, the superoxide dismutase activity was 14.5%, the antioxidant activity was 3.2%, and the tyrosinase inhibition rate was 9.2% Data also revealed that when a 10% sample of the heated-wax gourd extract was added to A549 human lung cancer epithelial cells of, the number of cancer cells declined by 80% in 72 hours, When a 10% native extract was added, the number of cells declined by, 74% in 48 hours, and when a heated-extract of Chrysanthemum zawadskii was added, 100% of the cells died after 72 hours.

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