
虚拟发电厂能够有效地整合配电网中的分布式可再生发电资源,是分布式电源大规模接入配电网并实现主动式能量管理的技术方案。为了充分利用分布式电源资源和维持主动配电网的无功平衡,本文基于虚拟发电厂的概念,提出了一种有效的分布式无功优化方法,能够将分散于主动配电网中的可控分布式电源通过先进的通讯手段进行有效整合,然后基于分布式优化的控制策略,最终在实现上级无功调度指令的同时,实现整个虚拟发电厂内部的无功优化。最后,本文给出具体的实例仿真结果,充分验证了文中所提的分布式优化策略的可行性。 Virtual power plant exactly provides an effective way for integrating distributed generations in active distribution network, and provides a chance for a great deal of distributed generations to join distribution network. To take full advantage of distributed generations and realize the bal-ance of reactive power flow in distribution network effectively, an effective method based on virtual power plant is proposed for distributed reactive power optimization in this paper. By means of advanced communication, it is possible to effectively incorporate those scattered distributed generations in the active distribution network into an entirety, which has the ability to optimize the distribution of reactive power in virtual power plant and achieve the superior dispatching commands. Finally, a concrete stimulation is given to prove the feasibility of distributed optimization strategy.

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