
The purpose of this study was to make clear the influences on socialism sports system,being caused by Sports Perestroeka in Soviet after 1985. It is possible to point out two special features of this Sports Perestroeka. That is, the first purpose to carry out Sports Perestroeka is to solve many problems that soviet sports faces, the second is that the political and financial reform brought about the reform of Soviet sports system. There are concrete measures of Sports Perestroeka as follows. 1. To open sports problems (the delay of construction on sports institutions, the low quality of sports instrument), and to design concrete measures and to carry out. 2. To reorganize sports administration. Particularly, it is carried out to cut the subsidy for Soviet state committee and to introduce the self-supporting accounting system and to democratize the state control system for sports. 3. To promote the exchange with western sports society and to introduce western new sports (baseball, American foot ball) and oriental military arts (Yushy, Karate). Particulary,soviet sports officials have given permission to the nation's finest athletes to play in professional teams abroad. 4. There is for racial self-determination to be linked with Olympic movement and organize National olympic committeds in regional countries. These results suggest that the special features for socialism sports system, that are state financial support system and state control system for sport's popularization and strengthening,are changing now. Owing to Sports Perestroeka, soviet state sports committee is introducing the self-supporting accounting system is democratized. The socialism sports idea, that sports movement should be used for constructing socialism, is facing the critical situation whether they are denied or not. Soviet state sports committee is planning to establish the new socialism sports system by uniting the socialism state sports system and democratic sports system.

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