
自2015年8月起,长江干流武汉段及汉江下游爆发水葫芦入侵现象。长江水利委员会水文局组织应急调查小组进行实地调查。结果发现,汉江水葫芦主要由涵闸河等汉江支流排入,而汉江支流水葫芦主要来源于汉江下游平原河网地区。在汛期水葫芦生长旺盛期间,突发性的强降水导致内河水位抬高,从而将集聚于静水中的水葫芦排入河网,顺流而下,直至长江。本次爆发的水葫芦事件虽未对长江干流水质产生较大影响,但能引起有关部门的高度关注。 In August 2015, there was an outbreak of Eichhornia crassipes in the Wuhan section of Changjiang River and Hanjiang River downstream. The Bureau of Hydrology, Changjiang River Water Resources Commission immediately launched the emergency monitoring plan to conduct field survey. Results of the survey show that Eichhornia crassipes in the Wuhan section of Changjiang River is mainly from the tributaries of Hanjiang River, such as Hanzha River. The Eichhornia crassipes in the branch of Hanjiang River mainly come from the lower reaches of Hanjiang River in plain river network area. In the flood period when Eichhornia crassipes grows vigorously, the sudden heavy rainfall leads to the river water level rising, which will discharge Eichhornia crassipes gathering in the still water into the river downstream, until Changjiang River. The outbreak of Eichhornia crassipes event although does not have a greater impact to the water quality of Changjiang River, it has already caused great attention of the concerned department.

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