
盐商江春是清朝乾隆年间集商、士、官于一身的名人。我们运用实地考察与查阅文献的方式,对江春的人际关系理念与实际操作方式进行了分析探讨,江春通过以文会友、广交贤达,培养戏班,爱才养士等方式,最终成就了“以布衣交上天子”的人际关系。这对于我们今天如何做好人际关系、促进良好的商业运营是不无裨益的。 The salt merchant Jiang Chun is a celebrity as businessman, scholar and official on Qianlong period of Qing dynasty. The paper analyzes and discusses the concept of interpersonal relationship and actual operating mode by investigating the literature review. Jiang Chun achieved the interpersonal relationship “commoner handed emperor” eventually through making friends by writing, contacting with celebrities widespread, cultivating theatrical troupe, cherishing talents and so on. This is always helpful for promoting good interpersonal relationships and business operation.

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