
PDF HTML阅读 XML下载 导出引用 引用提醒 恩施烟区无翅桃蚜在烤烟田空间动态的地统计学分析 DOI: 10.5846/stxb201303270535 作者: 作者单位: 西南大学植物保护学院,湖北省烟草公司恩施州公司,湖北省烟草公司恩施州公司,湖北省烟草科学研究所,西南大学植物保护学院 作者简介: 通讯作者: 中图分类号: 基金项目: 湖北省烟草公司科技项目(027Y2010-032) Geostatistical analysison spatial dynamics of the apterous Myzus percicae in flue-cured tobacco fields of Enshi tobacco area, China Author: Affiliation: Plant Protect College in South-West University,Chong Qing,Enshi Prefecture Company of Hubei Provincial Tobacco Corporation,Enshi,Enshi Prefecture Company of Hubei Provincial Tobacco Corporation,Enshi,Tobacco Scientific Institute of Hubei Province,Wuhan,Plant Protect College in South-West University,Chong Qing Fund Project: 摘要 | 图/表 | 访问统计 | 参考文献 | 相似文献 | 引证文献 | 资源附件 | 文章评论 摘要:恩施烟区是湖北省最大烟叶生产基地,桃蚜Myzus percicae (Sulzer)是恩施烟叶最重要的害虫之一,桃蚜在田间的发生以及传播的病毒病害逐年加重,给烟业生产带来巨大损失。进一步了解桃蚜发生动态和空间分布规律,将提高对桃蚜的预测效果并为其综合防治提供理论依据。烟区和烟田之间的迁移以有翅蚜为主,田块内部的种群动态和发生规律,无翅桃蚜发挥着更加重要的作用。受寄主生理生化特性影响,不同烟叶生育期,桃蚜空间结构的差异需要进一步验证。经典的统计学方法以纯随机变量为基础,而昆虫种群的田间分布存在空间相关性,地学统计学承认空间相关性的存在,为区域化变量的空间分布分析提供新的理论和方法。在烟叶不同生育期进行无翅桃蚜的田间密度调查,运用地统计学的方法分析了其空间特征和发生动态,模拟了无翅桃蚜在烟叶不同生育期的田间分布图,并对无翅桃蚜在不同烟叶生育期田间分布格局的相关性进行了分析。结果表明:无翅桃蚜在烟叶苗期密度最小为(5.59±4.07)头/株,烟叶旺长期虫口密度最大为(14.5±9.6)头/株;种群密度变异系数均较大(0.6147-0.7281),表明其空间分布的不均匀性,并随密度的增大而减小,表明种群密度的增大一定程度上提高了种群结构的稳定性。烟叶苗期的种群分布曲线峰度最大,表现出更高的聚集性。无翅桃蚜在烟叶苗期的135°方向和团棵期的45°方向表现为随机分布。烟叶苗期的0°方向和45°方向可用线性有基台模型拟合,其他均可用球形+指数套合模型拟合,判断球形+指数套合模型是无翅桃蚜田间分布的主要模型,属于聚集型分布的范畴。块金值、基台值和变程均随田间虫口密度的增大而增大,苗期的随机程度(0.1905-0.7186)明显大于其他时期(0.0116-0.1620)。无翅桃蚜空间分布模拟图可以清晰地看出无翅桃蚜苗期迁移,旺长期后逐渐稳定的特性。无翅桃蚜的田间分布在烟叶苗期与团棵期无明显相关性,而团棵期与旺长期以及旺长期与成熟期显著相关,再次证明烟叶苗期到团棵期,无翅桃蚜的田间分布发生较大迁移,而团棵期以后基本定殖。烟叶苗期的无翅桃蚜高度聚集在少数烟株上,及早预防可以减少烟叶苗期虫口基数,有利于桃蚜种群数量的控制。首次将平面坐标系划分为4个方向,更加准确、全面地描述昆虫种群的空间分布特征。 Abstract:The Enshi area is the largest tobacco growing base in Hubei Province, China, and the peach aphid, Myzus percicae (Sulzer), is one of the most important pests of tobacco leaves in this region. The prevalence of peach aphid populations is increasing rapidly, as are incidents of viral disease spread by these insect pests, both of which result in substantial losses to tobacco production. More research on the spatial distribution and development of peach aphids will enhance the ability to predict its occurrence and comprehensively manage its populations. The alate form of the aphid migrates between tobacco fields and areas, whereas the population dynamics and occurrence cycles depend more on the insect's apterous type. Because the spatial structure of peach aphid populations in tobacco fields depends on the host's physiological and biochemical characteristics at different growth stages, more research is required to fully understand it. Classical statistical methods assume a random distribution, but insect populations show strong spatial correlation in the field. Newly-developed geological statistical methods can accommodate spatial correlation, allowing analyses of the spatial distribution of regionalized variables. We investigated the density of apterous peach aphids in tobacco fields at the seedling, rosette, rapid-growth, and maturity stages of growth and used geostatistical methods to analyze the spatial features and development of the insect, to simulate its distribution at different stages of tobacco, and to analyze the correlation between its spatial distribution during different stages of tobacco. The results showed that the aphid density was lowest at the tobacco seedling stage ((5.59 ± 4.07) aphids per plant) and peaked at the rapid-growth stage ((14.5 ± 9.6) aphids per plant). The variable coefficient of the density was relatively large (0.6147-0.7281), which indicated the inhomogeneity of the spatial distribution. The coefficient decreased as the population density increased, which showed that the population structure stabilized at higher densities. The largest kurtosis in the spatial pattern occurred at the seedling stage of tobacco, indicating more spatial clustering. We divided the plane into four directions (0°, 45°, 90°, and 135°) and found that the spatial distribution of aphids in the 135° direction during the seedling stage and the 45° direction during the rosette stage were randomly distributed. In the 0° and 45° directions during the period, the distributions matched linear models with a base station, and all other distributions fitted nested models with spherical + exponential factors. Therefore, we deduced that the primary model for apterous M. persicae was the latter, indicating an aggregated distribution. All nuggets, stills, and ranges increased with density. The random degree of the model in the seedling stage (0.1905-0.7186) was significantly greater than in other stages (0.0116-0.1620). Kriging interpolation clearly described the migration in the seedling stage and showed that the spatial distribution was relatively stable in the other three stages. The spatial pattern of apterous peach aphid in the seedling stage of tobacco had no correlation with that in the rosette stage, but there was an obvious correlation between the rosette and rapid-growth stages and also between the rapid-growth and maturity stages. This indicated that migration should occur during the seedling stage and that the population distribution should remain relatively stable afterwards. We demonstrated that dividing the plane coordinate into four directions made the description of the spatial distribution more accurate and comprehensive. 参考文献 相似文献 引证文献

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