
情绪智力对个体情绪调节起着重要的作用。采用情绪智力测评量表(EIS)测量370名大学生的情绪智力,从中随机抽取得分较高和较低两个水平的学生各20名作为情绪智力高分组和低分组。通过序列递减任务诱发负性情绪,比较两组被试在负性情绪的情境下的情绪体验差异。结果发现,情绪智力水平高分组在负性情绪诱发情境下,会自动化地调节和控制自己的情绪;而情绪智力水平较低的个体,则未对自己的情绪进行自动化的控制和调节。 Emotional intelligence plays an important role in individual emotion regulation. A sample of 370 college students was tested by Emotional Intelligence Scale. 20 students of higher scores and 20 students of lower scores from this sample were randomly selected to do the next test. Serial Subtraction Task which can elicit negative emotion was used to test the effects of the Emotional Intelligence on individual emotion regulation. The results showed that the students with high Emotional Intelligence could automatically control their emotion in the negative emotion-eliciting context, but the students with low Emotional Intelligence would not control their emotion in this kind of context.

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