
区块链是一种去中心、去信任的分布式账本技术,起源于比特币。其被业界广泛认为是具有颠覆性潜力的技术,将会重塑行业标准,改变社会和生活,也将为供应链金融带来革命性的影响。在系统阐述区块链概念、关键技术和运行原理的基础上,对当前供应链金融发展过程中所面临的痛点进行分析。提出区块链技术如何能够更好地解决供应链金融上的中小企业融资难、商业汇票和银行汇票使用场景受限、银行对供应链核心企业资金风控成本居高不下等问题。最后,给出了易见股份推出的“易见区块”平台案例研究。 Blockchain is a decentralized and trusted distributed book processing technology, originated from Bitcoin. Its industry is widely regarded as a potentially disruptive technology that will reshape industry standards, change society and life, and will have a revolutionary impact on supply chain finance. On the basis of systematic exposition of the concept, key technology and operation principle of Blockchain, this paper analyzes the pain points in the financial development process of current supply chain and puts forward the solutions to better solve the problems in supply chain finance such as the difficulty in small and medium-sized enterprises’ financing, limited usage scenarios of commercial bills and bank drafts, and funds risk control issues of supply-chain core enterprise. Finally, a case study of “e-visible” platform is presented.

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