
Nine young male Japanese non-musicians listen to 48 chords. The 48 chords consist of four kinds of t riads. Each triad is composed of three synthetic piano tones. The subjects' EEGs of 10 electrodes are measured. Principa l component analysis shows that variation of EEG power for about five seconds while listening to chords consists of two factors. Th e first factor, mainly composed of δ-band and θ-bandpower, is related to time course. The second factor, mainly composed of α-band and β-band power, is related to processing of triads. The analysis also shows that the activities of left-temporal and f rontal lobe vary depending on the chord compositions. And the activities of right-temporal lobe vary by listening to major triads. Th e activities of left-occipital lobe vary by listening to diminished triads.β-band power of frontal, temporal, right-parietal and rig h t-occipital lobe is reduced by listening to augmented triads.

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