
目前原乡的原住民部落型态信仰以长老教会居多,天主堂、真耶稣教会、及安息日会仍属于少数。在研究者实际与部落接触的经验中,感受原住民人口外移的严重性。在社会快速变迁的结构下,原住民部落过去本身的生存型态早已破坏,传统文化记忆亦不断的流失。尤其少年与儿童教育、隔代教养的问题更须受到重视。本研究透过三名部落居民访谈的过程当中,更深入原住民的家庭互动模式当中,看见了多不同的观点和想法,也杜绝了过去对于原住民就是不懂教育、不疼爱小孩的污名化观点。为此更进一步见证在原住民族群中的基督宗教,带来的是正向的教育力量,对于信仰传承的区块,家庭扮演着重要的角色。教会对于部落来说,处在对外信息沟通的角色,也是掌握权力资源的人。所以更应该成为部落与外界沟通的一个桥梁,将真实的问题、困境反应,看见内部真实的需要,进一步的作资源的连结。 Currently, the major faith pattern in the tribal aborigine is Presbyterian Church. Catholic Church, True Jesus Church, and Seventh-day Adventist are still small proportion. In the experience of the actual contact with the tribe, the researcher observes the serious problem of the emigration in the aboriginal populations. Due to the rapid changes in the social structure, not only the survival pat-tern among aborigine in the past has already destroyed, but also traditional cultural memory has been lost. In particular, youth and children’s education and grandparenting issues must also be taken seriously. In this study, the researcher interviewed three tribal subjects to explore more in-depth interaction patterns among Aboriginal families and find the many different views and ideas. The stigmatized point of view for understanding less of education and not love their children is also avoided. Further testimony in aboriginal populations in Christianity brought the positive power of education. For faith heritage block, the family played an important role. For the tribe, church plays the role of external communication and controls resources. It is essential to combine tribe and outside communication, then reflect the true problems and difficulties, to explore inside the real needs and do further combination of different resources.

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