
本研究使用内在–外在心理控制源量表测量个体的内外控特质,通过瑞文标准推理测验诱导个体的焦虑,使用状态焦虑量表(S-AI),分别在诱导后和平静心情后,测量被试的焦虑程度,检验生理期对内外控女生焦虑情绪调节的影响。结果表明:生理期状态与内外控存在交互作用。内外控的简单主效应显著,内控型个体的焦虑调节显著好于外控型。生理期状态的主效应显著,内控型女生中非生理期的焦虑情绪调节量显著高于生理期女生,而外控型女生的焦虑情绪调节在生理期和非生理期上没有显著差异。 This study uses Internal-External Locus of Control Scale to filtrate internal and external girls. We induce subjects’ anxiety by answered The Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices and measure anxiety of subjects after they answered The Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices and after they made themselves calm. Our purpose is to the influence of internal-external locus of control to regulation of state anxiety of girls of menstrual period. The conclusion is that there is an interaction between menstrual period and internal-external locus of control. The simple main effect of internal-external locus of control is significant and the regulation of state anxiety of internal locus of control is better than external locus of control. The simple main effect of menstrual period is significant and the significant difference is only occurring to internal locus of control girls. The regulation of state anxiety of girls in menstrual period is better than girls who are not in menstrual period.

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