
理想的单光子源和高性能的单光子探测器是制约量子密钥分配系统中的密钥安全和码率的两个关键因素。弱相干脉冲作为单光子源,为保证安全性,平均光子数必须少而限制了码率的提高。本文介绍了超导边沿传感器单光子探测器,提出了多端口分束器与多APD结合可用于量子密钥分配系统中检测弱相干脉冲中的光子数。对窃听者的攻击策略进行分析的基础上,基于光子数的检测,指出在保证安全性的前提条件下可以提高弱相干脉冲中的平均光子数,进而提高系统的量子密钥成码率。 The ideal single photon source and high performance single photon detectors are two key factors that restrict the key security and bit rate in quantum key distribution system. As a single photon source, the weak coherent pulse must contain fewer average photon number for the sake of security, thus the quantum bit rate cannot be raised to a high level. Superconducting transition edge sensor for single photon detection has been introduced. It is proposed that multi-port beam splitter combined with many APDs can be used to detect the photon number in weak coherent pulse in quantum key distribution system. The attack tactics of eavesdropper is analyzed, and based on photon number detection, it is proposed that the average photon number in weak coherent pulse can be improved, thus the quantum key bit rate can be improved.

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