
某石化公司化肥厂动力锅炉燃料、机械等系统比较复杂,供风量控制难度大,造成排烟气中氧含量较高。锅炉热效率偏低。对一次风、二次风的风门卡塞现象进行维修,校正风量表及炉膛氧含量表,使其计量准确,维修覌火门漏风点,对干气流量控制系统、给煤机煤量控制系统、引风机风门以及控制系统进行检修并投入使用。降低氧含量,提高锅炉热效率。取得了较好的效果,可使装置能耗显著降低,一年节约0.18万吨标煤。年经济效益为103.6万元。 The power boiler fuel, mechanical and other systems of a Petrochemical Industries Co. are more complex, and the air quantity is difficult to control, resulting in higher oxygen content in exhaust gas. Boiler thermal efficiency is low. We maintained primary air and secondary air damper jam phenomenon, calibrated flow meter and furnace oxygen content table to ensure the accuracy of the measurement and maintained the air leakage points of watching the fire hole. We also repaired the dry gas flow control system, a control system of the induced draft fan damper and the control system of coal feeder’s coal flow, and put them into use. We reduced oxygen content and improved the thermal efficiency of boiler. That achieved good results. It can make the device significantly reduce energy consumption and saves 1800 tons of coal a year. Annual economic benefit is 1,036,000 RMB.

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