
Reports on the median cleft of upper lip and the dermoid cyst of Philtrum are extremely rare. The author experimenced a case of incomplete median cleft of upper lip sccompanying with a dermoid cyst of midle finger-head's magnitude on the upper part of philtrum. The patient is a male person aged 21. Hereditary elements were not observed in the patient's lineage. The cleft overreached from the median red lip slightly to adjacent skin. On the upper part of the philtrum there was a welling of midle finger-head's magnitude which was soft and strained on palpation. No pain was felt by pressure. At the median part of maxillar alveolus, there was seen also tracc of notch and frenulum labii superioris shallowly separated in two parts. The cyst was excised by U-form incision on the philtrum. Orthopaedic opera tion was then performed by flap implantation of lower lip mucous menbrane to the cleft part of upper lip. The excised cyst was 1.5cm in diameter and contained within it a yellowish starch-like fluid. The wall of the cyst was frem 0.5mm to 1.0mm in bredth, the inner surfsce of which was covered with squamous cell epithelium. Under the layer of the epitheliumwere found here and there hair follicles and the glands of them. In view of these fimd-ings it was termed as a der moid cyst. On the etiology of this anomaly, the author is of the opinion that the incomplete median cleft of upper lip would have been caused by hypoplastic development of area infranasalis under frontnasal process during the interval between 5th and 7th week of fetal stadium. Misplacement of ectoderm simultaneously occured would have been the origin of the dermoid cyst formation.

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