
评估城市水域生态系统服务价值是城市生态调查的重要内容。以北方水城——开封市为研究对象,基于双边界二分式条件价值评估法评估受访者对城市水域生态系统服务的支付意愿。然后构建包含环境感知变量的Logistic模型,探究支付意愿的影响因素。结果表明:①73.17%的受访者对开封城市水域生态系统服务具有正支付意愿,支付意愿率较高。其中男性支付率高于女性,文化程度越高其支付率越高,居住于水域附近的本地居民支付率高于外地游客,曾有过捐款经历可以提高支付率。②对零支付样本区分,计算保留真实性零支付样本后受访者的平均支付意愿,结果为59.77元 户<sup>-1</sup> 月<sup>-1</sup>。③受访者的性别、家庭月收入、生态行为对支付意愿有显著影响。建议加强环保教育,为公众搭建参与城市生态建设的平台,提升公众生态行为,有利于提高城市水域生态系统服务价值。研究丰富了城市水域生态系统服务价值评估案例,可以为政府部门合理引导公众参与城市生态建设提供参考。;The evaluation of urban water ecosystem service value is an important part of urban ecological survey. Taking Kaifeng City as the research object, the willingness to pay for urban water ecosystem services was evaluated based on the double-boundary dichotomy of contingent valuation method. Then we constructed a logistic model including environmental perception variables to explore the influencing factors of willingness to pay. The results showed that: ①73.17% of the respondents had positive willingness to pay for the ecosystem services of Kaifeng urban waters, and the rate of willingness to pay was high. Among them, the payment rate of men was higher than that of women, and the higher the education level was, the higher the payment rate was. The payment rate of local people living near the water area was higher than that of foreign tourists, and the past donation experience can improve the payment rate. ②Distinguishing the zero payment samples, the average willingness to pay was 59.77 yuan per household per month after retaining the authenticity of zero payment samples was calculated. ③Gender, family monthly income and ecological behavior of the respondents had significant impact on their willingness to pay. We suggested to strengthen environmental protection education, build a platform for the public to participate in urban ecological construction, improve public ecological behavior. It is beneficial to increase the value of urban water ecosystem services. This study enriches the assessment cases of urban water ecosystem service value, and can provide scientific reference for government departments to guide the public to participate in urban ecological construction reasonably.

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