
国际能源领域直接投资是国际投资的重要表现形式,而国际能源领域直接投资中的征收是东道国以其公权力在某种程度上限制外国投资者私人财产权的一种行为,这种行为可能导致外国投资者主体资格丧失,合法收益被东道国吞噬,从而增加在东道国投资的不确定性甚至引起投资国与东道国的投资摩擦。本文以东道国的当地救济、投资国的外交保护、解决投资争端国际中心机制以及其他国际仲裁等方面出发,分析现行征收争议解决存在的问题,从而提出解决问题的构想。 International energy direct investment is an important form of international investment. For the purpose of safeguarding national security and interests, the host country may seek to expropriation, limiting the private property rights of foreign investors to some extent. Expropriation may lead to the loss of foreign investors’ legal income and their qualification, increasing the uncertainty to invest in the host country and even cause the friction between countries. In this paper, taking the local remedies of the host country, the remedies of the capital-exporting country in domestic law, the mechanisms of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes and other international arbitrations as a view, we discuss the issue of settlement for expropriation disputes and propose some ideas to deal with it.

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