
PDF HTML阅读 XML下载 导出引用 引用提醒 塔里木河源流和干流胡杨年轮生长的差异性 DOI: 10.5846/stxb201606271264 作者: 作者单位: 作者简介: 通讯作者: 中图分类号: 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(41461045);自治区青年科技创新人才培养工程资助项目(2013721032) The difference analyses of tree-ring growth of Populus euphratica in the headstreams and mainstreams area of Tarim River Author: Affiliation: Fund Project: 摘要 | 图/表 | 访问统计 | 参考文献 | 相似文献 | 引证文献 | 资源附件 | 文章评论 摘要:借助树木年轮学的方法和技术手段,通过对阿克苏河、叶尔羌河和塔里木河干流不同河段胡杨年轮样本采集,分析了塔里木河两源流与干流不同河段胡杨年轮生长特征;采用单因素方差分析方法和Kendall协同系数(W)研究了塔里木河两源流和干流不同河段胡杨年轮指数的差异性;利用突变检验和小波分析方法探讨了塔河两源流、塔河干流不同河段胡杨径向生长的周期和突变性。研究结果表明:(1)1980-2010年期间,塔里木河两源流和干流不同河段年轮宽度和年轮指数均呈下降趋势。在阿克苏河、肖夹克、沙子河口3个断面胡杨年轮宽度和年轮指数下降趋势明显,而叶尔羌河和新渠满断面的胡杨年轮宽度和年轮指数下降趋势不明显。(2)塔里木河两源流和干流不同河段的胡杨年轮生长在空间上不具有一致性(W < 0.5),阿克苏河断面与肖夹克、沙子河口断面,叶尔羌河与肖夹克、沙子河口断面,肖夹克与新渠满断面,新渠满与沙子河口断面之间胡杨年轮指数均具有显著的差异性(P < 0.05)。(3)塔里木河两源流胡杨年轮指数的突变时间与河道径流量突变时间相同或者滞后,这可能与地表水转化为地下水过程有关。(4)塔里木河两源流和干流不同河段的胡杨年轮指数变化的周期均小于其地表径流变化的周期,这可能与胡杨自身的生理特点和当地气温、水分对胡杨生长综合影响有关。本研究有助于深入了解干旱区内陆河流域胡杨生长特征变化规律,同时可为该流域胡杨资源生态保育提供参考。 Abstract:Based on the method and technique of dendrochronology, the tree-ring samples of Populuseuphratica were collected in the Aksu River, Yarland River and the different sections of Tarim River. Tree-ring growth change characteristics of Populus euphratica were analyzed in the two headstreams and the different sections of mainstream of Tarim River. The single factor variance analysis method and Kendall W were applied to study the differences of annual ring index in the two headstreams and the different sections of the Tarim River. The periodicity and mutation variation of Populu seuphratica in different sections of Tarim River were analyzed by methods of mutation testing and wavelet analysis. The results show that:(1) The tree-ring width and the tree-ring index of the two headstreams of the Tarim River were decreased between1980 and 2010. The tree-ring width and tree-ring index of Populus euphratica have obvious declining trend in the Aksu River, XiaoJiake and ShaZihekou, while the trend of tree-ring width and tree-ring index of Populuseuphratica in the Yar land and XinQuman is not obvious. (2)The tree-ring index of Populuseuphratica was not consistent(W < 0.5)in different sections of the two headstreamsand the upstream and middle reaches of Tarim River. There were significant differences of tree-ring index between Akesu River and Xiaojiake, Shazihekou; Yarland and Xiaojiake, Shazihekou; Xiaojiake and Xinquman, Xinquman, Shazihekou (P < 0.05). (3) The mutation time of tree-ring index of Populus euphratica in the two headstreams had the same or lagged behind the mutationtime of the mainstream's river runoff, which may be related to the duration of river runoff converting to groundwater. (4) The variation period of Populus euphratica's tree-ring index in the two headstreams and different section of mainstream of the Tarim River is faster than that in their surface runoff, which may be related to the physiological characteristics of Populus euphratica and the local temperature and moisture effect on Populus euphratica. These results can provide reference for deeply understanding the growth change trend and irrationally protecting of Populus euphratica forestin extreme arid area. 参考文献 相似文献 引证文献

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