
PDF HTML阅读 XML下载 导出引用 引用提醒 桂林岩溶石山青冈群落灌木层主要物种生态位与种间联结 DOI: 10.5846/stxb201904090689 作者: 作者单位: 作者简介: 通讯作者: 中图分类号: 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(31860124);广西自然科学基金项目(2016GXNSFBA380030) Niche and interspecific association of main species in shrub layer of Cyclobalanopsis glauca community in karst hills of Guilin, southwest China Author: Affiliation: Fund Project: The National Natural Science Foundation of China(31860124); Guangxi Natural Science Foundation Project (2016GXNSFBA380030) 摘要 | 图/表 | 访问统计 | 参考文献 | 相似文献 | 引证文献 | 资源附件 | 文章评论 摘要:基于样方调查,采用生态位测定、方差比率法、χ2检验、Pearson相关检验和Spearman秩相关检验等方法对桂林岩溶石山青冈群落灌木层主要物种的生态位与种间联结进行研究。结果表明:(1)青冈的生态位宽度最大,占绝对竞争优势;重要值较大(小)的物种,其生态位宽度一般较大(小),但两者顺序并非完全一致。(2)主要物种间的生态位相似性较小,各物种对资源利用的相似程度不高;一般生态位宽度较大的物种,其生态位相似性也越大。(3)生态位宽度较大的物种间产生生态位重叠的概率较大,但生态位重叠程度并不一定大;生态位宽度与生态位重叠有一定的联系,但并不存在绝对的正相关关系;生态位相似性和生态位重叠程度的变化趋势基本吻合。(4)灌木层主要物种的总体联结性表现为显著正联结,表明该群落处于相对稳定的演替阶段。(5)χ2检验、Pearson相关检验和Spearman秩相关检验结果的显著率均较低,种间联结性不强。(6)物种间的Pearson相关系数、Spearman秩相关系数与相应的生态位相似性和生态位重叠程度之间均呈显著正相关,表现为种间正(负)联结越强,生态位相似性和生态位重叠程度越大(小)。 Abstract:Niche and interspecific associations, which are significant quantitative and structural characteristics, reflect relationships among species in a plant community as well as community stability, and thus providing an important theoretical basis for forest vegetation restoration and reconstruction, forest management and biodiversity conservation. In order to understand mechanisms underlying the formation of niche and interspecific associations of main species in the shrub layer of Cyclobalanopsis glauca communities, a total of 100 shrub plots were established and investigated in the Cyclobalanopsis glauca communities in karst hills of Guilin. We selected 20 shrub layer species on the basis of their importance values. The niche characteristics of main species in shrub layers were quantified with the indices of Levins niche breadth, Shannon niche breadth, Schoener niche similarity and Pianka niche overlap. The interspecific association was researched by using a set of methods, namely, variance ratio(VR), χ2 test, Pearson's correlation test and Spearman's rank correlation test. The results showed that:(1)the Levins and Shannon niche breadth index indicated that the niche breadth of Cyclobalanopsis glauca was the largest among the twenty species that we have studied. It indicated that Cyclobalanopsis glauca had a stronger ability to compete and utilize resources in the shrub layer, with the absolute competitive advantage and stronger ecological adaptability. The species with larger importance values generally had larger niche breadth, but the rank orders of them were not exactly the same. (2)the mean value of niche similarity of main species in the shrub layer was 0.156. There was a lower degree of niche similarity among species within the community, indicating that they had a lower similarity in resource utilization. (3)the result of niche similarity proportion and niche overlap was similar but not the same. The differences between them suggest that using similar resources are not sufficient to cause competition among these species. (4)the W test showed that the overall interspecific associations were significantly positive associations among the main species in the shrub layer. This reflected that the Cyclobalanopsis glauca community in karst hills of Guilin was in a relatively stable succession status. (5)the results of the χ2 test, Pearson's correlation test, and Spearman's rank correlation test showed that the significance ratios of the species pairs were all lower. The species pairs with insignificant interspecies correlations accounted for the majority of the species pairs in the shrub layer, reflecting a weak association among the various species pairs in the shrub layer. Most of the species showed an independent distribution pattern. (6)both Pearson's correlation coefficient and Spearman's rank correlation coefficient showed significantly positive correlations with niche similarity and niche overlap value. In other words, the species pairs with stronger positive association generally had larger niche similarity and niche overlap. On the contrary, the species pairs with stronger negative association generally had smaller niche similarity and niche overlap. 参考文献 相似文献 引证文献

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