
Recent advances in intravascular surgical technique have made it possible to choose transvenous embolization (TVE) as the first therapeutic procedure of cavernous sinus dural arteriovenous fistula (CdAVF). While the inferior petrosal sinus (IPS) is the most common approach route to the cavernous sinus (CS), embolization through the IPS is difficult in some patients. We report 3 cases who underwent TVE via IPS and latter required additional TVE via another approach. Subjects were 3 of 16 patients with CdAVF who underwent TVE at our institution in the past 6 years. Case 1 had bilateral CdAVF (the right side was more severe). Initially, TVE was performed through the left CS via the intercavernous sinus (intCS) from the right IPS, and the posterior component of the right CS was occluded at the end. This partial embolization of the right CS induced increase of reflux to the right superior ophthalmic vein (SOV) causing exacerbation of proptosis on the right side. Transarterial embolization via the ascending pharyngeal artery decreased reflux to the right SOV immediately. TVE through the SOV was undertaken 1 week later and the fistula was completely occluded. In Case 2, embolization was performed through the patent IPS. During TVE, the coil accidentally became detached, and another coil was placed from the contralateral CS via the intCS. Reflux to the SOV diminished transiently, but recurred because the IPS, one of the outflow paths, became occluded. Hence additional TVE via the SOV was required to completely occlude the fistula. In Case 3, although the CS could be reached from the IPS, the venous pouch in which the fistula had occurred could not be reached due to trabeculae within the CS. TVE by the direct puncture of SOV successfully occluded the fistula. When treating CdAVF by TVE, it is necessary to not only carefully ascertain the location of the fistula and ensure thorough packing but also to utilize multiple approaches and combine TAE as necessary.

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