
室内清扫机器人的应用越来越广泛,其路径规划直接影响到清扫效率和质量,一直是研究的热点。对传感器精度种类和精度的过高要求,可能降低路径规划的适应性,或者导致成本不可接受。在分析室内清扫机器人路径规划需求的基础上,提出了一种基于碰撞检测的纵横弓式路径规划方法,算法简单有效,区域覆盖率高,环境适应性强。 The cleaning robot under indoor environment has found an increasingly wide utilization. Its path planning directly affects the efficiency and quality of cleaning, which has always been a hot research topic. Too high requirements of sensor types and precision, may reduce the path planning adaptability, or lead to unacceptable cost. Based on the analysis of the path planning requirements of indoor cleaning robot, a path planning method based on collision detection is proposed, with a simple & effective algorithm, high area coverage, and strong environmental adaptability.

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