
传统生态知识是民族生态学研究的核心范畴,国外已有多年的研究基础,国内的相关研究正是方兴未艾。通过文献查询和比较分析等方法,介绍了国外已有的传统生态知识的民族生态学分析框架的3个模型:知识-实践-信仰的三角形框架;本土经验知识-资源管理知识-社会制度知识-世界观知识的四椭圆框架;事实观察-管理体系-旧有及当下利用-伦理价值-文化特征-宇宙观的五边形框架。结合田野调查研究,提出了一个立体的传统生态知识的民族生态学分析模型,强调了传统生态知识的动态特征,将民族对于自然的被动认识和主动认知、民族人际关系规范、民族的哲学与伦理等方面所呈现出的传统生态知识进行了分类,从而为民族生态学的调查研究提供了方法上的建议。最后总结了这个立体的传统生态知识分析框架的意义,并建议在我国的生态文明建设中发展和应用民族生态学。;This article argues that Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) is a core domain of ethnoecology, which is at the stage of rapid development and one of the forefronts of ecology. Ethnoecology is applied to biodiversity conservation and relevant academic papers and conferences recently increase. Drawing on field research that documents cognitive difference in the perception of the environment and ecological resources, it has been demonstrated that various epistemological modes exist. Consequently, the diversity natural resource management methods observed across the world arise from the diversity of local knowledge of the surrounding ecosystems and resources. Internationally, TEK is a long-standing and fully developed research field and scholars have proposed several analytical frameworks that help advance the theoretical development of ethnoecology. However, research on this topic in China is still in its infancy. Although there are a few research results, both the extent and scope of TEK research in China need to develop in order to capture traditional ecological knowledge found in China's rich biological and cultural diversity. Various forms of Chinese TEK have been observed and classified, however local and novel analytical frameworks remain scarce. Through literature review and comparative analysis, three of the existing overseas TEK analysis frameworks are introduced in this paper: <em>Triangular framework of knowledge-practice-belief; Four concentric ellipses for empirical knowledge, resource management systems, social institutions, and worldview; Pentagonal framework for factual observations, management systems, past and current use, ethics and values, culture and identity, and cosmology</em>. Based on the above existing frameworks and combined with our field research, this article puts forward the <em>Three-dimensional analytic hierarchy model of traditional ecological knowledge from the perspective of ethnoecology</em> and emphasizes the dynamic characteristics of TEK. It suggests that ethnicity being an inseparable part of an objective biological world creates space for subjective yet real knowledge of the ecology and environment. Ethnic group is both the creator and user of traditional ecology knowledge. Ethnic group's subjective understanding of the nature including human and biological world constitutes its ethnic ecology knowledge, which is the first aspect of ethnoecology focuses on. Going beyond direct knowledge of ecological facts, ethnic groups develop natural resources management systems to proactively respond to and reformate the nature and create social and legal norms to regulate behaviors to appropriate natural resources. Ethnic group's natural resources management systems and social norms are the second and the third aspects that ethnoecology research should focus on. The natural resource management models are created and embedded in a larger word-view and philosophy held by the ethnic group. Ethnic group's spiritual world is the fourth aspect of ethnoecology research. The Three-dimensional analytic framework in this article provides a thorough ethnoecological perspective for researching TEK as the passive and active cognition of nature, natural resources management, social institutions, and understanding of spiritual world. The existing differences among different ethnic groups' world view and spiritual belief should not be overseen. However, those differences can be accommodated and addressed by this research framework. Finally, the paper draws the conclusion that the three-dimensional analytical framework of TEK can be applied as ethnoecology develops its function in the context of the ecological civilization construction in China.

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