
The gap between isolated islands and cities caused by industrialization during the period of High Economic Growth in Japan that started in the 1960's brought about an outflow of young people away from these islands. Resulting from this, the population diminished on the islands, and the number of aged inhabitants increased, leading to a decline in industries due to the shortage of successors and the increasing difficulty in maintaining the communities. Furthermore, the diminishing number of children brought about the integration and eventual closing of the schools. Because schools are the base of the succession and development of culture, this is an extremely serious problem which could jeopardize the existence of the islands.This study examines the effects of Setouchi Seaside Study, a community-wide project that adopted a foster-parent system and was implemented by Nogutsuna Island in order to prevent the closing of the schools. Althougt there are some problems to be solved, i. e. how to secure students and the aging of foster parents, the project has had significant educational effects both on local and visiting students because of its curriculum, which emphasizes small study groups and active exchange with community people using local subject matters as study material. In addition, this project has resulted in community promotion, as observed in the revival of the children's festival due to the larger number of children.It is necessary to discuss how to bring up people who can shoulder the responsibility for the islands's future and what guidelines the islands's education should follow.

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