
LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English. 朱元璋實行思想統制,此一思想環境,影響着洪武朝文學思想之發展。他對士人既親近又猜疑、濫殺的行爲,造成士人複雜之心態,他爲士人留出的生存空間,對文學思想的走向,也起著導引的作用。 朱元璋前後七次詔諭文風改革;他對詩文和戲劇内容的限制,著眼點全在治道的得失上。他的文章觀的核心是尊典謨、重實用、去華飾、求平實,輕視藝術表現。 由於文化環境的影響和朱元璋的文章觀的導引,入仕新朝的一部分士人文學觀念的變化十分明顯。他們的創作傾向與文學觀念,適應其時之政治環境,逐漸成爲洪武朝文學思想之主流。首先是詩歌創作中出現了頌美的傾向,追求一種雍容典雅的氣象。同時以宋濂爲代表的原道、宗經、復古的文學思想,與朱元璋的治國理念、文章觀相符,處於其時文壇之正統地位。 重個人情懷自由抒發,無關政教得失的文學思想觀念,和承繼元末擬古傾向的文學思想,則處於在野的地位。 The intellectual environment created by Zhu Yuanzhang’s (posth. Emperor Taizu of the Ming, reigned 1368-1398) ideological control influenced the development of literary thought in his Hongwu reign-period. His attitude towards intellectuals was complicated. On the one hand he was close to them, but on the other hand his suspicion resulted in extensive executions. This gave rise to a complex mentality amongst intellectuals. The operating space that Zhu reserved for intellectuals was a decisive factor in the development of literary thought. A particular focus of Zhu’s seven edicts on literary reform is the restricting of poetry, essays, and drama to content relating to the strengths and weaknesses of governance. Additionally, the basis of Zhu’s literary thought includes: a respect for classical models, emphasis on practicality, eradication of embellishment, the pursuit of simplicity and integrity, and reduced emphasis on artistry. Zhu Yuanzhang’s literary thought, combined with other social factors, influenced a number of officials who served under the newly founded Ming dynasty to undergo an obvious change in their literary positions. In line with the political situation of the time, these trends in creative writing and literary thought gradually became mainstream in the Hongwu reign-period. The first consequence is the panegyric tone in poetry composition, which pursued an elegant and poised style. In the meantime, classicists such as Song Lian (1310-1381) advocated literary positions of “finding one’s root in Confucian teaching” and “basing one's writing on Confucian classics”. This thought accorded with Zhu YuanZhang's concept of state affairs and views on literature, and thus assumed orthodoxy. On the other hand, two schools of literary thought became marginalized: free expression of individual sentiment unrelated to governance and didacticism, and a continuation of the late Yuan trend of “modeling on the ancients.”

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