
To evaluate body sway dynamically and to detect the direction of body sway deviation, a new method of analysis is proposed which can be visualized by a two-dimensional energy distribution histogram in relation to the position of the center of gravity. Energy is calculated by multiplying the force which is derived from the acceleration vector by the corresponding distance that the center of gravity is moved.In this paper, two kinds of energy analyses are introduced: one for lateral and antero-posterior body sway energy distribution and the other for centric and centrifugal body sway energy distribution. These are obtained by separating the original acceleration vector and speed vector into the respective directions.By these methods the direction of the falling tendency of body sway and the position where the feedback mechanisms work dominantly can be understood. In addition, the importance of centrifugal energy as well as centric energy can be realized in relation to the stabilization of body sway.This method can be valuable in detecting the cause of dysequilibrium and useful in quantitatively and qualitatively evaluating the stability of body sway.

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