
电气化铁路具有高速化、重载化、能源利用率高、经济效益好等优点。但电气化铁路牵引负荷属于大功率非线性单相负荷,接入电网后会对给其供电的电力系统带来谐波、三相不平衡等电能质量问题,不利于公用电网安全、经济运行。本文首先介绍了电气化铁路接入电网电能质量特性,主要对电气化铁路牵引负荷引起的两大主要电能质量问题谐波和负序进行详细分析;然后对电气化铁路接入电网后产生的谐波、负序对电力系统各环节的影响进行了总结;最后对目前常用的改善公用电网电能质量措施进行分类,为电气化铁路接入电网电能质量评估、治理提供参考依据。 Railway electrification has advantages such as high speed, heavy load, high energy utilization and good economic benefits. But the traction load of electrified railway is a high power, single phase and nonlinear load, its access to the grid will bring about power quality problems such as harmonics, three-phase imbalance which go against safe and economic operation of power system. Firstly after electrified railway connects to power system the characteristics of power quality are introduced in this paper. The main problems, harmonic and negative sequence caused by the traction load of electrified railway, are analyzed in detail. Then, the influence of harmonic and negative sequence on power system is summarized. Finally, the current measures to improve the power quality of the utility grid are classified. A reference is provided for the power quality evaluation and treatment after the electrified railway connects to power system.

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