
The antimicrobial activity of mustard extract, which has allyl isothiocyanate as the major pungent component, against Escherichia coli, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Salmonella Typhimurium and Staphylococcus aureus, typical food poisoning bacteria in Japan, was examined by gaseous contact.The mustard extract preparation and each nutrient agar plate spread with the test bacteria were put in a lunch box made from polystyrene, which was then incubated at 30°C.The vapor concentration of allyl isothiocyanate in the container rose to about 180 ppm after one hour and since gradually decreased to about 30 ppm after 24 hrs.The growth of each bacteria was tested at 3, 6, 9 and 24 hrs after start of incubation by counting the number of colonies formed on each selective agar media with samples prepared from the nutrient agar with the aid of a stomacher.A bacteriostatic effect was observed against E. coli, S. Typhimurium and S. aureus 9 hrs after start of incubation and a bactericidal effect was observed against V. parahaemolyticus.

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