
学术活动是研究生学习实践活动的重要组成部分,是研究生创新能力培养不可或缺的重要环节,对培养科学精神、启发创新思维和提高科研能力具有重要意义。本文阐述了学术活动在研究生培养体系中的地位与作用,探讨了专题讲座、集中研讨和学术报告等多种学术活动的组织形式,并从学术活动的创新性、规范性和营造良好的学术氛围等方面提出了思考与建议。 Academic activity is an important component of learning practices of college postgraduates, and provides an effective approach to cultivate the innovative scientific spirit, to inspire innovative thinking, and to improve scientific research ability. First, the status function of academic activity, with respect to the training system of postgraduates, is presented. Second, the organization form of the academic activity, including special lectures, seminar and academic report is introduced. Finally, several suggestions of improving the innovativeness and normalization of academic activity are proposed.

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