
LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English.
 中國文學歷史上,婦女文學創作之母系傳承現象衆多,但以往的研究,大多注目於同一歷史時期此種現象的介紹與解讀,本文則以跟蹤研究的方法,剖析了一個母女相傳五代之久、歷經乾隆、嘉慶、道光、咸豐、同治、光緒、宣統以至民國的文學創作個案,揭示了從清中期到近現代,中國婦女文學在社會背景、女性意識、地域分佈、美學風格等方面的諸多變化,展現了我國知識女性由古代進入現代的坎坷歷程。In the development of Chinese literature, matrilineage is a very common phenomenon in female literary practice. Studies of this issue used to focus on specific historical eras. The present thesis, however, traces the materilineage through five generations, extending from individual literary practices during the reign of Qianlong, Jiaqing, Daoguang, Xianfeng, Tongzhi, Guangxu, Xuantong until that in the National Government period. The thesis intends to demonstrate the changes that Chinese female literature has experienced through mid Qing Dynasty to modem times in several aspects such as social background, female consciousness, geographic and aesthetic features; meanwhile, it also attempts to delineate the thorny path that carries Chinese female intellectuals from ancient era to modem times.

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