
随着船舶自动化程度的不断提升与航海仪器设备的日益升级,船舶的航行变得更加安全、高效、稳定、经济。但随之带来的问题是驾驶员的理论知识不扎实,当仪器设备出现故障时,处理问题的能力不足,可能造成巨大损失。在航线设计中,如果脱离ECDIS,则在墨卡托海图中绘制大圆航线显得异常困难,为了避免损失,可根据球面三角形的数学特性,利用Excel来计算数据并设计航线,然后在电子海图中显示数据点,比较大圆航线与恒向线的差异。 With the continuous improvement of the degree of ship automation and the upgrading of marine equipment, the navigation becomes more safe, efficient, stable and economical. But the problem is that the driver’s theoretical knowledge is not solid; when the equipment breaks down, the ability to deal with the problem is insufficient, which may cause huge losses. If separated from ECDIS, the route design drawing of the great circle route based on Mercator chart is very difficult. In this paper, in order to avoid the loss, according to the mathematical properties of the spherical triangle, Excel can be used to calculate the data and design route, then data are displayed in the electronic chart, and the differences between the great circle route and rhumb line are compared.

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