
栾川钼矿地层是典型的硬、脆、碎、塌复杂地层,特别是上部地层尤其破碎,勘探时采用跟管钻进保护孔壁。但跟管钻进过程中,遇到了岩样采取率低、跟管管靴断裂、跟管深度不足等技术难题。为解决所遇问题,研发了反循环潜孔锤同心跟管钻进钻具;利用ANSYS有限元软件对套管管靴结构参数进行了仿真分析研究,优化了管靴结构,提高了管靴使用寿命,提高跟管深度。 The stratum of molybdenum minerals in Luanchuan, especially the upper strata is a typical hard, brittle, broken, and collapsed formation. The experiment shows drilling with casing in this area low core recovery rate, casing shoe fractured easily, depth and other technical problem. In order to solve these problems encountered, concentric casing drilling bit of reverse circulation DTH hammer is designed, simulation analysis of casing shoe structure is also made by finite element software (ANSYS), the structure of casing shoe is optimized, the service life of casing shoe is improved, the depth of drilling casing is increased.

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