
目前大部分反应堆都是热中子反应堆,但快中子反应堆是现代核电技术发展的一个重要组成部分。铅冷快堆是作为四代核电的一个重要选项,本文详细介绍俄罗斯铅铋合金快堆装置SVBR-75/100的技术方案,包括主要系统,技术特性、设备布置、结构材料以及安全系统等相关内容,突出说明了模块化核电站概念及其优势。最后分析了其安全性。 Almost all reactors in present nuclear power stations are thermal neutron reactors, but FR is an indispensable important component in modern nuclear power system. As one of the fourth gener-ation nuclear power options, lead cooled fast reactor has been developed for many years. This paper introduces in detail Russia lead bismuth alloy fast reactor facility SVBR-75/100, mainly including the major systems, technical characteristics, equipment layout, structure material and safety systems, and illustrates prominently the module the concept of nuclear power station and its advantages. Finally, its security is also analyzed.

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