
An osteochondroma is a tumor of bone and cartilaginous elements. Its occurrence in the mandibular coronoid process is relatively infrequent. We experienced a case of osteochondroma of the coronoid process.Patient, a 17-year-old female with the chief complaint of jaw movement restriction was referred to our clinic. The mandibular opening impairment gradually increased over the last 10 years. Her face was not asymmetrical but she had discomfort in the region in front of the ear during jaw movement. The maximum separation between the upper and lower central incisor teeth was 7 mm. X-ray examination revealed an extensible and bulbous image of the coronoid process. The treatment was surgical excision of the lesion. The lesion was removed by manipulation of the zygomatic arch resection. The mandibular opening wa in creased to 30 mm. 4 months postoperative.The diagnosis of lesion of coronoid process requires precise clinical and X-ray examinations, and the occipito-mental radiogram was demonstrated good for diagnosis.

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